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Let God surprise you with his own timing

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Linda Apollo

If you want to change your life, you have to change the way you think about your life first. Thoughts are not just thoughts. They are bridges and doors and entryways and foundations. They magnetize and repel. They can build a house and tear it down. They can energize momentum or keep you idling within your own little decisions. The mind will generate an endless series of options, some inspiring and others terrifying, and so you must make a choice. You must choose what you will return on. Because thoughts create the feeling, and feeling creates desire, and desire creates action, and action creates reward, and reward creates more desire, and before you know it, a thought became the touch that led you down the path that is your life. If you would like to change your life, you must first change the way you think about your life. 

You get to choose how you see your life and so I hope you choose to see serendipity. I hope that when something beautiful happens, you will take it as a confirmation, and when something hard happens, you take it as a moment to rest and heal. I hope you choose to put together the pieces. I hope you seek understanding. I hope you find little wells of joy that may spring up through the day. I hope you feel a connection where others see separation. I hope you discover things you never knew you would want to come. I hope you know that a thousand failures are the building blocks of your becoming. I hope you are not dissuaded by the dead ends. I hope you know that they are not your final destinations. I hope you know that it is the courage to keep beginning that ultimately gets us all where we are meant to be. Let God take the wheel.

Let God surprise you with His perfect timing. You wonder when life will look up for you when you will step into the light and begin achieving your dreams. You wish you did not feel like you were falling so far behind in life and love, laboring away at an unfulfilling job, waiting for someone special to sweep you off your feet. But as you pray for new beginnings, remember that God has perfect timing.

God will wait for you to heal. He sees your deep pain, the scars you bear and the wounds you bind. He sees the heartache, the trauma, the despair that you can never seem to leave behind. But He also sees you moving forward, letting go of the ones who mistreated you taming your anxieties, becoming more resilient day by day. And one day, when your mind is clearer and your heart is open, He will place undeniable opportunity and lasting love in your path because He knows you have taken the journey to healing.

God will surprise you. In the moments you cry to Him, praying that He will rescue you from your hardships. He will work quietly, changing the tides in ways unseen, he will help you in ways you may not fully understand until you are healed, guiding you in a direction that will eventually improve your life. And one day, you will see your life tangibly change, realizing that every fear, heartbreak, and prayer led up to this moment with God’s divine timing. You may not see His work, but when you discover it, you will feel purely, giddily happy, a moment you will cherish for a lifetime.God will make everything make sense. One day, you will see the beauty of His perfect timing. The reasons why you got your heart broken, the reasons why He saved such precious moments for later in your life. You will come to fully appreciate how He helped you grow in faith and love before he fulfilled your dreams, appreciating how the hardships you faced led you to your present happiness. And while you may not realize it now, in the depths of your pain, God is preparing for your miracle at the perfect time when you will appreciate it the most.  Remember. You matter to God. You really do.

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